Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Updates! Towers 1,2,3,

Tower 1 is growing fast and we are going to harvest on Friday. The pH was 7.5
 Tower 2 pH is a 6.0 and the strawberries and cucumber are growing!

Tower 3 pH is at 7.5 and still growing fast harvest on Friday.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

tower updates

tower #2 ph 6.0 growing good we cut some vines out because they were getting really bad and replanted the end of the strawberries in the pots above.

Tower 1 and 3

Tower 1 is growing pretty good! The pH is 7.0 and we might need to add water next time! Tower 3 pH is 8.0 and water level is a little low!

Friday, December 1, 2017


tower 1 ph was 7.0  water is fine we didn't add anything we pulled some pods out and the roots are growing great just like they should.

tower 3 the ph was 7.5 we added 5 gal, of water added 100ml of a and b fertilizer and will check in on Tuesday.

Tower 2 update

The pH was 6.0 and we had to add 7 gallons of water and 120 mL of A and B fertilizer. Everything is looking good and growing.